Monday, September 6, 2010

Pediatric Male Gential Exam

Shopping: Calvin Klein

Finally I decided to show you this: as an article of a designer can give bad results. When we buy something nice (and expensive) a recognized brand or a fashion desined hope that the quality is excellent and we enjoy much time right? Well, I do not know your experience, but in my prestige and price are not always associated with better quality.
perhaps you may think that the problem comes from the care we give to things ... Quite the opposite! if spoil most of my clothes do not have such overbooking in my closets! :) Finally

I decided to show you this: as a desginer artical can give some poor results. When we buy nice (and expensive) thing from a recognized brand or a fashion designer, we hope that the quality is excellent and we can enjoy it for a longtime, isn't? Well, I don't know you, but in my expiriencethe prestige and to pay a lot not always means better quality.
Pherpas you may think the problem comes from the care I give to my goods, how wrong, if I ruine most of my clothes now I don't have overbooking in my closets! lol!

Os dije hace unos días que mi bolso Calvin Klein me tenía poco contenta... ¿el porque? La goma que recubre los bordes del handle is dropped altogether and this has begun to unravel everywhere.

worst thing is that this bag I bought last February! That is, I was about 5 months when it started to fall apart and now the thing is already outrageous. Is this the result of a branded bag? not hang on hangers (home sits on a chair), why has broken the gum? Bad luck? "Tara? Do not do quality control? Come on, I find totally unacceptable.

Can you see what I'm angry for? I Bought this bag Calvin Klein in February and 5 Months Later It Began to break. It Was That cracked all the rubber covers the handle, star and all the lines going out. Is This What We Expected of a designer handbag? 5 months?

Finally, a penalty of bag is what I have been, and no desire to return to spending money on other items from Calvin Klein. Sniffff and I thought I had found my perfect black bag (

Well, despite all .....

passed Monday!


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