Friday, November 12, 2010

Labeled Diagram Of A Dirt Bike


I want to introduce a gallery I'm doing with the pictures of the kids, recently a friend to give her a cake the girls had the details paint a picture of me charm, but I could not bring me because I was with watercolors and had not dried. At the end of the detail I liked so much they've asked me to draw a picture and send it to me, so I decided to make a gallery with all the drawings that I will be giving away.

For now I have only one, but I'm sure my nephew will soon come over, I also left the idea for you, if you have kids and would like to have a picture in the gallery have no more than send it to me by email and I'll put it with a lot of taste. In this link you can see that I give too many pictures to choose from, including some beautiful mandalas, but I'd love to get any other picture to make small, you just have to print, it colors as you like, then scan on your computer and send it to my email (I have to the right of the blog). As I said before and I love getting absolutely certain that they too will be thrilled to see her drawing, and my nephew is enchanted to I would imagine as if you receive a message from her drawing, jajajajajajaja.

A big greeting and sorry again for having the blog a bit abandoned, as have some time I'll keep posting more recipes.


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