Like many men who populate the printed pages of history, was as brave as naive.
Although she came from old noble birth and lineage, when it came to life, found his impoverished family. He did his military career in Spain, and fifteen years had received the Knight's Cross. Under English flag
fought against the Algerians, the English and conducted hydrographic work.
As fate would bring to the Rio de la Plata, where he found the elevation and tragedy.
was 53 years old when he reconquered Buenos Aires in British hands, with securities. And it was precisely the courage that had no Sobremonte, it became the Viceroy.
His political life was not behind the sentimental.
At age 30 he married in Manchester, with Joan of Mendivel that left him a widower, a time after giving your first born: Luis.
In 1791, in Buenos Aires, at age 38, married Maria Martina Sarratea, 19. She came from a distinguished family, he must love him a lot, to accept the Frenchman as handsome as poor, whose situation only promised hardship.
lived overwhelmed by economic difficulties, so he felt very grateful to the Viceroy's Pino, when in 1803 he was appointed acting governor of Misiones, even to reach the destination, Santiago and Maria Martina had to sell many possessions and borrow money. Bad luck
decidedly persecuting him, despite having the government with excellence, for the honest criticisms made in a report, was dismissed. Affected, of course, interest should not be mentioned.
started back, looking for the safest and most economical way, because in the two years they had lived in Candelaria, had not paid salaries.
went down the river Paraná. Called at the Paraná de las Palmas, for Mary Martina gave birth to a girl I went out of life.
Without his partner, along with their offspring continued to travel, to see die a little later to his daughter Frances Paula. Met the children he had left, Luis, 21, Maria del Carmen 13, Henrietta Maria, 9, Joseph Atanasio 7, James 6, Mariano 3, Maria de los Dolores newborn and settled in Buenos Aires.
In 1806 when paraded as a hero of the Reconquest of Buenos Aires, a beautiful woman from his balcony threw a perfumed handkerchief. Liniers picked it up on the fly with the tip of his sword, bowed gallantly and started, well, a volcanic romance.
Perichon The arrival of Anita and her family at the beginning of the century had shaken the Buenos Aires society. She was dazzling, with ancestry, worldly, which raged in the male population of Buenos Aires.
Some historians came single, others married to Edmundo O'Gorman, nephew of the famous chief physician of Buenos Aires. In one way or another, it was an unhappy marriage for irreconcilable differences, this is added his prestige for leaving the British army, and smuggling activities. A trip he had made in 1805, Edmundo returned accompanied by the English spy Burke, who quickly realized that the beauty of Anita could be key to obtaining information from chamber, service of the English crown.
The husband, expelled the British from Buenos Aires, had to take refuge in Brazil. Then, Liniers, went to live openly in the house of the French.
was his weak point, it all spoiled. Details known to intelligence services and the population in general, contemptuously called it "Perichona." Alarmed by this scandal that operated on the will of Liniers, getting achievements such as the surrender for Beresford, freedom of William White, etc.
The reality was that Burke pulled the strings behind the puppet.
The international situation was extremely complex. In Rio de Janeiro, Princess Charlotte was protected in their aspirations for the England squad. The ruling meant Liniers, contrary to his government, influenced by his partner.
Burke was an emissary of the English sailors, he promised to bring to environmental Perichon. Carlota pleased and satisfied a pressing need for him and for England: the demands of Anita, had become unbearable for the crown.
The misfortunes of this spy Río de la Plata, began following an incident in their house on Calle Reconquista. The riot was triggered when King Ferdinand insulted and praised Napoleon had it prisoner.
Despite the passion he felt for her, the pressures on Liniers forced to banish. There did not end the pain for the viceroy, as Burke was commissioned to write the truth about spying on her friend and, probably for some time, was working for the cause of independence.
The "Perichona" docked in Rio de Janeiro, where he continued falling in love lovers. Stragford Lord took the place of Liniers.
In Charlotte, the presence of French frivolous bothered him so much that the cast of his domain, to a strange destiny. A year would be sailing round trip between the Brazilian city and the Rio de la Plata. In none of these places it is accepted, until the events in the May 25, 1810, the Governing Board receives it, as long as she is staying at his farm on the outskirts. Anita
Perichón aged. His house was in constant gathering, passing, yet, the songs that resonated remembered as a lover of the viceroy.
The French live long enough to see her favorite granddaughter: Camila O'Gorman shot censored by their love with a priest.
Santiago, could not quench love that she woke up in this unique stage of life, when he was in his fifties and is hailed as a hero.
Although the mentioned correspondence as "unhappy", it is likely that before the blasts on "Cabeza de Tigre", he crossed the face so loved and confused .
© Peña Southern History. Ana di Cesare, Geronimo Rombolá, Beatriz Clavenna
Internet version of the article published in December 1993
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