What about girls? You have to see how things are, for a week I have "free" is my router and burn! One day we stopped working and publish something from the Iphone has seemed impossible task of you what have you got?
I bring a quickie post to tell you that I passed the first cut of my exams and go to the second test! I have to be among the top 200 of 1870 people to have a place, but I can not afford not to try!
So between book and book come to remind you that we start the contest DKNY with which you can win a perfume BeDelicious! To learn how to participate click here. I'm getting very original proposals, so I encourage you to participate to which you have not yet done!
And finally, a desire "impossible ".... Well, if I pass my opos may let me hahaha, I got the picture by mail and could not fall in love more of these overtheknee Jimmy Choo, I just look BEAUTIFUL and the best for me, with a reasonable heel!
Not to mention the new Jimmy Choo UGG Incredible!
'll tell you more contests!
Happy Week!