Saturday, June 20, 2009

Companies Willing To Donate To Schools

Epoca III

Well ... I do not know this in what will be, but I wanted a more personal blog, even in name, not the concept I had in this, where I've been using it as a expanded, as were the primers blogs and try everything they had and around the micro-world. So I moved here ( , where "post them" less, but where I write, carrying a few posts that do not want to miss.

So 1 Greetings to all :-) We'll see what I'm putting it here ... because they still I do not know today, though no doubt continue to try and stuff. Of course, all the links on the blog's go up to my account on .

Thanks to all of you who bothered to read it! Almost 25,000 hits!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Age Of Empires 1 Free Full Version

To save time in the day to day

Pouporri of tricks to gain time in various everyday situations: